Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Tough Old Gym Rats

In this blog, I encourage and espouse consistent exercise. I truly believe that this is important for physical and mental health throughout our lives. But try as I might, I am not always perfect with my fitness routine. I have days that I just don't feel like taking a walk, or going to my zumba class. And I am good at making all kinds of excuses, like "I just don't have the energy today", or "it looks like it will rain, so I will hold off on walking today". Usually, these are not legitimate reasons for not working out. Actually, I decide to watch television, or eat a piece of pie when I could be working out!

Recently, I managed to drag myself to a zumba class, thinking that if I stumbled through the zumba, I might decide to stay for the strengthening class that directly follows. I amaze myself each time that I participate in two fitness classes in a row, thinking that is pretty good for someone my age. Before zumba class, I overheard a small woman who looked to be in her 80's talking with the instructor from the previous class. That class was a high intensity, circuit class that I have considered too difficult for me. This woman had already attended that class, and then stayed for the zumba class. I managed to look behind me several times, noticing that this little woman was dancing and jumping better than a lot of others younger than her. After zumba, the woman approached me and asked me what the next class was. I explained that it was a strengthening class for core and  arms. The woman was in front of me for that class, and did not even look tired after the class ended! This octogenarian is a rock star, I thought!

Inspired by this woman, I was pumped up the following week to go to the gym faithfully. I even decided to go to class on Saturday, a day that I will generally skip the gym. That day, another older woman was telling her friend that she had just finished doing a circuit class, and had done a TRX class earlier that morning. TRX is a suspension training and core class that, although I had wanted to try, was afraid that I would hurt myself and had thus avoided. She was then doing zumba! Again, an older fitness queen was kicking my butt!

These tough and super fit ladies were beginning to hurt my pride, and so I challenged myself to stay on my fitness schedule, and sweat through those activities in spite of the summer heat. Well, I thought, at least I can probably out dance them, That was when I received a link on Facebook from one of my dance instructors about a group of 80 year old women who participated in a group hip-hop competition! They were the oldest group ever to dance in the competition. And they were not just barely moving. One of them was doing an incredible moonwalk, that I could only do in my dreams!

So, I learned from these recent events that one is obviously never to old to be incredibly fit. No more excuses. I am going to try TRX, take that hip hop class I had been considering, and maybe even try a circuit training class. I will not be outdone by these superhuman gym rats! But I will keep looking at them for inspiration!

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