Saturday, January 2, 2016

Making and Keeping New Year's Resolutions

I am one who always makes New Year's resolutions. This started for me at a young age when my Dad made a New Year's resolution party for our family. The purpose of this family gathering was twofold: it was a clever way of helping kids stay up until midnight, and it was a way to help each of us set little goals for ourselves. These sweet celebrations made me want to continue the tradition of making resolutions each year. So each year, I make my list of goals for the upcoming year. The following year, I check to see if I kept any of the promises that I had made for myself. Today, for the first time, I am going to share my resolutions on my blog, and offer some hints on how to keep at least one or two of the resolutions that you have set for yourself.

Resolution 1: Exercise and Eat Healthier
Well, certainly I write about both exercise and food in this blog. Frankly, I always keep my exercise resolution, as I really like to exercise. This leads me to my first hint to keeping resolutions: Always make one resolution that you know you will keep! Yes, I will admit that it is lame to make a resolution that you know you are likely to keep, but at least you will have one goal that you kept when you look at your list at the end of next year. So I suggest making that "likely to achieve" resolution. But the second part of this resolution is a little trickier for me. I do try to eat healthy, but I do like sweets, so much, in fact, that I make and write about pies! This comes to hint # 2: When it comes to resolutions about dieting or eating healthy, go to the mall and try on clothes, or even better, put on a bathing suit and have someone photograph you! After my day at the beach the other day, when Rich took several pictures of me, I can guarantee you that I will be greatly reducing my sweet intake. (at least for a couple of days, or until the next bathing suit picture). If I do eat sweets, it will be my pies, which will help me to keep my next resolution.

Resolution 2: Write a Book
I have had this resolution for the last 5 or 6 years, so this is not one that I have yet accomplished. Yet, I keep putting it on my list every year. I do feel, for probably the first time since I stated this goal, that there is a small chance that I may do this in 2016. Before last year, I would talk a lot about writing, but actually do very little of it. I always found too many distractions to keep me on track. But since I have started this blog, I do at least write on a semi-regular basis. And, more importantly, I actually enjoy it, and sometimes choose to write over other activities that I like. So perhaps there is hope!! Since I will be only eating my own pies for sweets (ha, might last one day), I will be continuing to write about pies, and the more I write, the more chance that I may eventually write my best selling novel. Hint #3 - Keep track of the small things that you do that help you accomplish your long range goal.

Resolution 3: Live Each Day as if it were my Last
I made this resolution because of my recognition of my advancing age. Yes, it is no secret that my time is limited, and I need to take advantage of every minute and enjoy life as much as possible!
I already try to do this, but perhaps this resolution will help me take a few more chances and mark some more items off of my bucket list.

So there are my resolutions for 2016, for the world to see. And I give you hint #4 - Share your resolutions with someone else so that they will hold you accountable. Putting mine in this blog certainly makes me accountable. Finally another word for the New Year. I resolved last year to change the name of my blog. I will continue to write about exercise and pies, but want the freedom to write about other topics, such as gardening, travel, or just simply what is on my mind. So today, on my birthday, my new blog name is "Unbridled". At my age, I will be free to write about anything! Happy New Year, and good luck on your resolutions!

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