When we made the decision to stay in Hong Kong for an extended time, one of our goals of the trip was to experience the city as a local would. This meant doing activities like walking daily, using the trains, eating at restaurants frequented by locals, and continuing our interests that we already enjoy in the USA, such as hiking for Rich, and participating in group classes at a fitness center, like I do.
When we arrived here almost a week ago, I willl admit being overwhelmed by the idea of getting to a gym every day without getting totally lost. For that matter, I wasn’t sure I could walk two blocks outside of our building and make it back! But we have since ventured out every day, I can say that I feel comfortable walking to various places, including the fitness center that we joined.
Yesterday, we worked out at the gym, called Fitness First, for the first time. This is about an 8-10 minute walk from our apartment. I see everything from the usual tall modern buildings to street markets and food stands on the way. And I can’t believe the hills! Hong Kong has more hills than I remember from our previous visits. The downtown hills in Asheville seem small in comparison. So yesterday, by the tine I got to my dance and yoga classes, I had already had a workout!
The facility is nice and and located in a modern building. Rich noticed the amazing views out the windows as he was doing his weight workout. As for me, I did a dance class that was new to me called Body Jam. (Have you heard of that, Shellie, Eleanor, or Natalie??) It had a little hip hop, and movements that were strange to me, But I got through it, then followed it with a good yoga class.
So I am going back to the gym today to do Zumba (yay), while Rich hikes with his meetup group. We are starting to feel like we live here!
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