First to arrive from the TV hit "Game of Thrones" was Daenerys Targaryen, looking her beautiful self. Following her was David Spade from "Joe Dirt" fame, mop in hand
Little did she know what was going to happen next. Unbeknownst to her, a bear had been wandering from Asheville and walked right through the door! Of course she was horrified until she saw Davy Crockett rush in with his rifle, ready to take care of the bear. "Davy" was actually an odd Asheville man, who routinely dressed up like Davy Crockett, and had followed the bear to the party.
Relieved, Sia heard a knock at the front door, and there stood a road construction worker, who said she had smelled bacon and wondered if she could have some! She was willing to do take on odd jobs if she could just have some of that bacon.
Sia's caterers had outdone themselves this year, preparing the biggest piece of bacon anyone had ever seen. She could understand why the worker wanted some, and agreed to let her stay, thinking that she could bribe the worker into voting for her for the "Most Impressive Person" award.
When Sia thought things couldn't get any worse, she turned around and saw two hasbeens from a second rate 70's movie, These fools had the mistaken impression that they were still "famous", and had invited themselves to the party! Additionally, the old man had also smelled the bacon. Sia took pity on the poor couple, and let them stay, thinking that she would bribe them for their votes and then put them in a nursing home.
At last came the time to vote for the annual "Most Impressive Person" award. Sensing that the voting might be rigged, Rey and Daenerys had talked Davy Crockett into "monitoring" the voting, to ensure that no irregularities would take place.
When all the votes were counted, Daenerys was the winner. narrowly defeating David Spade.. Actually, no one should have been surprised, as "Game of Thrones" is certainly one of the most popular television shows on the air.
Sia breathed a sigh of relief that the party was coming to an end. If things couldn't get any stranger, in a bizarre twist, "Davy" decided not to shoot the bear, but to move in with her! Sia decided that this would be her last party! However, she thought this night of horror might make a good song!